And another thing…

Whilst in Tasmania next January hiking with the family I thought, why not do an extended Wilderness Walk with some mates.

I have invited a bunch of guys from Perth and Melbourne to come with me, 10 in all. Not all confirmed but at least 8 are.

We are doing a walk called the Mount Anne Circuit in the South West National Park. Mt Anne is the highest in the S/W park and although the walk is only 4 or 5 days walking, it contains some of the hairiest walking I have ever done. Should be fun!

tasmania - Google Maps

Sweating it up in Siem Reap

Day 3 in Cambodia, the weather is humid very very Sticky! Our kids (3blond girls) are the main tourist attraction, locals just love them and point to them as if they have never seen blondies before. They even get cameras out and stand around and point. We are all getting along great, we are with the same tuk tuk driver each day- Siphan, he is great.
Off to see Joel and Chloe in the morning after sunrise at temples.

Speaking of Farming…

We spent Easter up at our friends place, a massive farm inland from Badgingarra, half way to Geraldton, WA.
It was classic country weekend with Go Karting Saturday and Mora speedway, sprint car championships Sunday night.
Sunday morning I was the ‘guest preacher’ at the little local church. We did a sunrise service and I was to see up a stations of the cross, but it was s wind we almost ran through the stations…so much for suffering for Jesus!! 🙂


I ran into an old mate in Broome briefly.
He was the head boy at Churchlands SHS the year before I rose to that prominent place of power myself 🙂 I was on the student council under Steve’s leadership.
I would have to say he was a guy with amazing sensitivity and character, a guy who was able to have a great laugh and muck around yet was able to engage with you one on one at a deep level and left you feeling listened to and understood.
Steve has an Aboriginal heritage and now works in Canberra for Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS).
But here’s the thing –
Last night The Joondalup Thing had a guest speaker come, Ian Barnes from Murdoch Uni, he spoke on Global Warming and a believer’s response to all this stuff. It turns out he knows Steve well and has a high regard for him.
When I mentioned that to Steve in an email this morning he replied with the comment –
“I would have to say he [Ian] is someone who I have always regarded as a mentor and role model. In fact, I believe that he is one of the finest human beings I have ever met.”

What is THAT??? You don’t just say that stuff! “Finest human beings ever met”.
Imagine having someone say that about you?
Not that I am striving for everyone to say that about me, but imagine even if just one person in the world thought that about you, what an honour, what a compliment!

It just struck me as so profound a comment.